Details of an evening
by Purbasha Roy
The sun slipped behind west
quality of dark improving each
second like coffee I made when
thirteen and the coffee of yesterday
that took to coldness after I forgot
at window-sill to attend doorbell
calling. How I stretched my body at
made bed could've enlivened a broken
boat's silence as it journeys to river-bed
something in suddenness like waft of air
recalled evenings, world felt less strange
my pick of blue wildflowers on way back home
the petals braving sun on them could've
dizzied butterflies as sky scarpes dropped
down. Never scolded for the mess I brought
mortal shapes of virtues have pink smiles
once a foreteller told mother, pink is her
color. With a prick of pendulum-stroke trance
ended like a pigeon flown to yonder from
magician's pocket. My synapses drugged
on these, vanished like crowd from an
ancient civilization struck by epidemic
leaving relics behind, but for whom...