spring 2019 -- issue 1
Managing Editor
Ashleigh Severson

Ashleigh Severson is a single mom and Northwest Arkansas native. In May she will be the first graduate of the NWACC AFA-Creative Writing program. She is simultaneously seeking her Bachelor’s in English, African American Studies and History at the University of Arkansas. Her plans are to follow up with an MFA in English Literature with the aspirations of sharing her love of literature through teaching.
Frisco Edwards

Frisco is a mysterious man.
Poetry Editor
Sandy Novotny

Sandy is a writer who married a painter and birthed a photographer so it's no surprise art is her passion. As a hoarder of both physical and digital books, she looks forward to the day when she can become a hermit and immerse herself in her collection. The writing that most appeals to her is that which reveals truth, especially of difficult subjects, and allows the reader to digest and internalize that truth. As Ernest Hemingway once said, "Write the truest sentence that you know."
Prose Editor
Josiah Vallone
Josiah is Californian at heart, who is currently attending NWACC to earn an AFA in Creative Writing. His current educational goal is to obtain an MFA in Creative Writing so he can teach his passion. Josiah is looking for pieces that are honest, evoke empathy, and tell an engaging story.
Web/Social media editor, Art Director
Tabitha Novotny

Tabitha loves the raw expression of emotion that art can bring out. Art should create images in your mind, much like writing does, causing you to be consumed by a new consciousness. On a personal note,
Tabitha is of the desert
Will be the desert
Hates writing bios
And wants sleep
Copy Editor
Noah Bell

Noah Bell is a student in his second year at Northwest Arkansas Community College. He is part of the Creative Writing Program here, and has written several poems, stories, and plays. Additionally, he has been a member of the Dean's List since last Spring, and plays several low brass instruments, most notably the tuba.