genre specific guidelines
We accept short stories, flash fiction, and selections of longer works provided they stand alone. Experimental pieces are accepted. All prose submissions should be fewer than 4,000 words. Submit your fiction as a single Word document in a standard font, with the document title including the story title and author's name.
creative non-fiction
We accept essays, memoir, flash, or selections from a longer work as long as it stands alone. Experimental pieces are accepted. All prose submissions should be fewer than 4,000 words, and submitted in a single Word document, with a document title including the author's name and title of the piece.
visual art
Hive Avenue accepts original artwork in the form of photography, illustrations, graphic art, paintings, and sculpture. Multiple submissions are not allowed but a single submission can include up to two pieces of artwork. All submissions should be in .JPEG format with the artwork title and artist’s name in the file name. Please include an artist statement.
Poetry submissions may include up to five poems in a single Word document but are limited to six pages. Please triple check your poem's formatting in the method you have saved it before submitting. If we accept your work, we will publish it in the form received.